Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Journal #4

If you could go back in time and be someone in history, who would you choose to be? Why?

I would be one of the first settlers in the new world. No one person in particular, just a person who left their old life back in Europe and came to explore the "New World." I would really want to be part of the first group of Europeans who were able to explore unknown territories in America because now there isn't anything left to explore on earth and I've always felt like a person who's willing to try something completely new. To get a chance to venture into the unknown with my fellow countrymen would be a feeling I don't think I could find doing anything else. Also, in the first permanent settlements in America, hard work was the only thing that mattered. If a person worked hard on the farm, they could sell their crops and make their own fortune. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'd wanna be able to control my own destiny and this time frame epitomizes that.

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