Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Journal #5

If you had the responsibility to decide where $1 million should be spent to improve conditions somewhere in the world, what project(s) would you choose? Why?

My $1 million would go to improving the conditions of local schools. If schools in the area are improved, then, students would obtain a better education. With a better education, those students can find well-paying jobs and hopefully, in return, they put their money into projects similar to mine. This domino effect, in an ideal world, would gradually improve our education system. I know this all depends on the generosity off others, but I have faith that there are still at least a few good people left in this world interested in changing our country for the better. You may be wondering why I wouldn't put my money in ending world hunger or helping the homeless or any of the other "humanitarian" projects and the answer is simple. In my experience, many of the people faced with those disadvantages did something along the road that put them there. I understand there are people that are truly disadvantages but at some point, people need to stop feeling sorry for themselves and try to fix their situation.

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